The XX framework is a configurable, XML/XSL-centric implementation of the MVC development paradigm.
The primary goal of the XX Framework is to handle typical application CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) with little or no Java programming. Instead of telling the application how to retrieve and how to display the data, we configure what to retrieve (through XML) and what to display (through XSLT).
This approach generally leads to a simpler and more elegant solution than a purely procedural approach. Where the applications needs more than simple CRUD, additional business logic can be easily incorporated into the process. Some additional features of the framework are configurable data caching, thread pooling, and web service integration.
Some benefits of the framework are:
* Extremely simple to use
* Built around open web standards, including J2EE, XHTML, XML, XSL, CSS
* Uses XSL and CSS as the application's View layer, allowing total separation of presentation from back end concerns. Page-focused/HTML templating approaches rarely achieve this separation
* Configurable data caching for optimal performance
* Automated data persistence (CRUD). 80% of a typical web app can be built with no Java code
* Uses a “Portal-based” approach to page design, allowing easy compartmentalization of functionality
* Integration with web services
* Reuse common classes and operations for pre-built functionality
* Enabled caching and thread pooling for greatly increased performance