RIFE/Crud is an extension for RIFE that allows for automatic generation of CRUD web applications by just providing POJOs. No files are generated, everything is done at runtime. It's still possible to override any part to provide custom behaviour and thanks to the RIFE site-structure, it can seamlessly be integrated in the data flow and logic flow of your own applications.
Below is a list of some of RIFE/Crud's features:
* Automatically generates administration functionalities for tedious, repetitive CRUD operations
* No code generation
* Completely runtime-based
* Driven by your domain model beans
* RIFE's powerful meta-data facility gives total control over the data and content formats
* Builds on RIFE's component model
* Optionally generates your database structure
* Supports associates, aggregation and many-to-one dependencies
* Optionally generates the navigation menu of all CRUD operations
* Can be integrated into any other RIFE site
* Clearly defined nomenclature to refer to run-time generated components
* Fully customizable:
o built-in support for localization
o layout through well-structured CSS
o markup is driven by templates, they can be replaced in different levels of granularity
o CRUD API for reusing most of the automated run-time features during customization
o replacement of individual CRUD components
o customizable menu generation
o RIFE features like callbacks are still available
* Scripting support
o Groovy
o Janino