DirectJNgine is a Java based implementation of the Ext Direct API for ExtJs.
ExtJs is probably one of the most powerful and attractive UIs for web-based applications, as can be seen here, as well as in many other examples. DirectJNgine makes it much easier to use the full power of Java business classes with such a powerful front-end, making Java methods directly callable from the client.
DirectJNgine is fully feature complete, providing support for all kinds of requests: batched json requests, form posts with file uploads, requests from polling providers, etc.
A detailed User's Guide (more than 40 pages) is part of the distribution. Besides, it runs all of Ext Direct examples distributed with ExtJs 3.0, located in examples/direct, and additional demos are included and discussed in the User's Guide.
DirectJNgine is extensively tested, passing more than 90 automated tests for all supported web browsers (see the list below).
For further info, take a look at the User's Guide.
DirectJNgine feature list
DirectJNgine provides the following features:
* Easy annotation-based configuration.
* Support for JSON requests.
* Support for batched JSON requests.
* Support for Simple Form Post requests (no files to upload).
* Support for File Upload Form Post requests.
* Support for PollingProvider requests.
* Automatic API files generation, supporting multiple API files.
* Multithreaded execution of batched requests for better performance.
* Customization support for JavasScript<=>JSON<=>Java serialization/deserialization.
* Support for programmatic definition of apis, action methods and poll methods.
* Fully tested: passes more than 80 automated tests, which can be run from the demo WAR.
* Detailed User's Guide.
* Debug mode support.
* Includes several demos: provides several demos, and runs all the demos provided by ExtJs in examples/direct (as explained in the User’s Guide).
* Tested against most popular browsers: the delivery process includes executing all tests and demos against the lastest versions of the following browsers:
o Internet Explorer.
o Firefox.
o Safari.
o Chrome.
* API files consolidation: several APIs can be stored in just one file to reduce communication overhead.
* API files minification support: usually reduces api file size in half.
* Possibility to call public, private, package and protected instance or static methods in public or private classes.
* Detailed logging, to support easy diagnostic of problems. Includes timing information.
* Free for commercial projects.