A micro library that helps to maintain your GWT client code clean and modular.
Suco is focused in two areas:
* keep your app modular (using a IoC pattern)
* provide a simple and extensible publisher/subscriber (Event/Listener) mechanism
The module system allows to create a clean and maintainable architecture with defined dependencies, and the event system helps to create loosely coupled components.
Suco IoC is heavily based on ideas of Guice, and provides Container, Provider, Factory and Scope (called Decorator in Suco) abstractions.
The event/listener system is a micro construction that solves some of the problems using classical Listeners implemented by interfaces (as most java apps do).
Both IoC and Event modules provides helper classes and methods to make test-driven-programming easier.
The source code is well documented using javadoc. There is a guide and some examples explained in the wiki.
It makes extensive use of generics, so GWT 1.5 is required.