• jQuery Mobile插件Datebox

    一个基于jQuery mobile的日期和时间选择插件



    1、Multiple Data-Entry Modes:

    Android style date picker
    Calendar style date picker
    Slide style date picker
    Flip Wheel style date or time picker
    12 and 24 hour time picker
    Duration time picker
    2、4 Different display modes:

    Standard, click-outside-to-close popup mode
    Forced input modal popup mode
    Unique page dialog mode
    Inline mode
    3、Fully localized:

    Configurable Month names
    Configurable Day Names
    All labels and buttons configuratble
    Multiple languages can be loaded at once for dynamic reconfigure

    4、Supports data-limiting of input:

    Configurable maximum and minimum years (android mode)
    Configurable maximum and minimum number of days from "today" (both date modes)
    Allows blacklisting of days of the week or specific dates (calendar mode)
    Allows selecting specific day from any week selection (calendar mode)
    Automatically parses hand-entered or pre-entered dates on open
    Auto-bind's to data-type='datebox', options are configurable via data-options.

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    Bartender - 跨浏览器的iOS风格的tab条:这个插件帮助你创建可以兼容不同浏览器的类似iOS风格的导航条。支持IE7+, latest FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari, Android, iOS
    jQuery Mobile Pagination Plugin:这 个插件是由大名鼎鼎的filamentgroup开发的插件,主要为了在移动设备上实现分页显示效果,我们可以使用它来显示不同页面或者是展示图片库,它 使用HTML anchor来连接不同页面,并且提供预加载页面特性,支持触摸事件,你可以自由的在不同页面拖拽。同时这个插件和浏览器的历史,及其前进和后退按钮绑 定,方便大家使用。