• Pines Notify

    Pines Notify是一个类似于Growl的消息通知提醒插件。支持用HTML设置标题和内容,定时淡入淡出,可固定、关闭或自动隐藏通知,自定义图标,定义各种回调事件,一个历史查看器可以回放之前出现的通知。

    Pines Notify

    Pines Notify is a Growl like notification plugin.

    The Pines Notify plugin was developed by Hunter Perrin as part of Pines. Pines Notify's features include:

    * Supports HTML in title and text.
    * Timed fade out.
    * Sticky (no automatic hiding) notices.
    * Variable opacity.

    * Custom icons.
    * Can use Pines style icon classes or jQuery UI style icon classes.
    * Automatic or manual hiding through a close button or code.
    * Can provide a close button for the user to manually close.

    * Callbacks for various events.
    * History viewer allows user to review previous notices.
    * XHTML 1.0 Strict compliance.
    * Integration with jQuery UI.

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